World-known brand in Kamienna Góra SEZ

Home \ News \ World-known brand in Kamienna Góra SEZ


The company Dr. Schumacher invested in Lubań, within the area of Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone, 150 million PLN of which 91 million PLN are the expenditures resulted from the permission issued by Kamienna Góra SEZ. Currently, the company employs more than 660 people. Due to rapid development of the company there are going to be built two additional halls and increase in employment up to 750 workplaces.

Dr. Schumacher is the biggest in Europe producer of wet wipes moisturized on the base of soaked fibers, applied in: nursing, hygiene, disinfection as well as cosmetics and household. Within the area of Kamienna Góra SEZ the company fulfilled investment project on the area of 50 000 m². Every day in the modern company there are operated 45 technological lines. Annually, the company produces 100 million packages of moisturized, hygienic wipes. The wipes from Lubań are easily obtainable in shops of Rossman and they are being produced for some global players like Johnson & Johnson or Procter & Gamble.

By: „Mo-Ja” Multimedia, 22.02.2016