Lubań | |
Town / Commune | Lubań |
District | lubański |
Province (Voivodship) | The Lower Silesia Province |
Present usage | none |
Max. area available (as one piece) [ha] | 1,5886 ha |
Zoning | area of economic activity |
Nearest motorway / national road [km] | 15 km -motorway A4 2 km -national road No. 30 (Jelenia Góra - Zgorzelec) |
Railway line [km] | direct neighbourhood of SEZ |
Sea and river ports located up to 200 km | Wrocław app. 150 km |
Nearest international airport [km] | Wrocław app. 150 km |
Nearest province capital [km] | Wrocław app. 150 km |
Buildings / other constructions on site (Y/N) | N |