Forum of development of infrastructure and economic&trade cooperation between Poland and Hunan province

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On 22nd of July in Warsaw there was taking place Forum of development of infrastructure and economic&trade cooperation between Poland and Hunan province. Among the high representatives of both countries there were the following: Deputy Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland Grzegorz Czelej, Voivode of Lower Silesia province Paweł Hreniak, CEOs of Kamienna Góra, Legnicka and Wałbrzyska Special Economic; the representatives of Hunan province – Executive Vice Governor Chen Xiangqun, Vice Secretary-General Chen Zhongbo with the following Directors-General: Fang Xianzhi, Cong Peimo, Shi Jianhui and Xiao Bailing.

During the forum the Voivode of Lower Silesia province Paweł Hreniak together with Executive Vice Governor Chen Xiangqun signed a partnership declaration between Lower Silesia and Hunan province. The Voivode Hreniak invited Chinese investors to set investments at the area of Lower Silesia (dolnośląskie) province which has a friendly ‘environment’ towards FDI. The CEO of Kamienna Góra SEZ Tadeusz Rycharski at the conversation with Voivode assured the will of further tightening the mutual cooperation.


Moreover, the CEO Tadeusz Rycharski met the representatives of Lower Silesian SEZs: the CEO of Wałbrzych SEZ INVEST-PARK – Maciej Badora, the Vice CEO of Legnicka SEZ – Krzysztof Sadowski. During the conversation with Executive Vice Governor of Hunan province, CEO Rycharski stated the will of initiating the cooperation with Chinese investors and invited the delegation from China to visit Kamienna Góra and surroundings.

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